Membership Agreement



A hard copy of this Agreement is provided each year to gardeners. All applicants must sign this agreement to receive an individual plot, participate in a community plot, or general membership in Siempre Verde Community Garden. This agreement pertains to your entire plot, community plot, and garden, and those who work on it.

By signing below I agree I have attended an orientation session and understand the membership packet, including the Siempre Verde Garden Rules of Conduct (Rules) and Obligations of Gardeners (Obligations). I understand that if I do not follow the Rules, Obligations, and information outlined on this page I may lose membership in Siempre Verde Garden. I further understand:

  • We operate on a democratic process of monthly meetings of the garden membership in which decisions are passed by a simple majority vote. Individual members receive one vote, Family members receive two votes, and Commercial members receive one vote. All gardeners must attend at least two membership meetings in 2015. I have the right to express my views and vote at the meetings.
  • I agree to fulfill my required 4-hours per month of volunteer time , in addition to time spent tending my plot or community plot or doing administration work. I understand that opening and closing of the garden for the Public Hours will be shared and scheduled amongst members.
  • The Rules and Obligations have been created by the garden members. Changes in the Rules and Obligations made by the garden members may affect my plot or public space. I am encouraged to participate in the garden’s decision and rule-making process.
  • I am expected to follow any changes in the Rules and Obligations made throughout the year.
  • Siempre Verde Community Garden exists on New York City property. My suggested donation is to aid in the communal upkeep of the garden and does not in any way entitle me to property rights of my plot, or any part of the garden.
  • I may not sublet, sell, or gift my plot to anyone.
  • All tools and materials in the communal shed are supplied as garden-wide tools and must be replaced after use.
  • Membership renewal occurs on an annual basis.
  • Green Thumb encourages the cultivation of edible plants. (Siempre Verde is a registered Green Thumb garden.)

If you fail in these obligations consistently, your plot, or participation in a community plot, can be assigned to another gardener.  You are also required to respect all general rules of conduct for the garden. You will receive no more two warnings regarding violations before being required to either attend mediation or forfeit your plot. The intent here is to encourage fair use of the garden space and create community participation, and to only invoke these rules as seen as necessary by majority rule of the members.


There are three categories of membership in the Siempre Verde Garden. Suggested donations are sliding scale. No one will be turned away for inability to pay.

1. Individual: suggested annual donation – $25.
2. Family: suggested annual donation – $50.
3. Commercial: suggested annual donation – $50.00

Each Active Member will have a key to the garden and the tool shed. Keys cannot be transferred to other parties.


1.  Plot Maintenance. If you have taken responsibility for a plot, or participate in a community plot, you must control invasive weeds, pests, and disease in your plot. Weeds should be pulled, and should not be allowed to go to seed– Due to mosquito breeding, uncovered standing water is not permitted in the garden. Uncovered standing water on your plot can be drained or emptied without your consent.
2.  Poison Free. Do not use chemical pesticides (including synthetic insecticides, herbicides, larvacides, and fungicides) in the garden.

3.  No Permanent Structures Without a Permit or approval from Green Thumb’s Director of Operations. You may not build a structure with a solid, inflexible roof.  You may not build a structure that is enclosed on more than three sides. You may not build a structure taller than nine feet high.*

4. Litter. Volunteers must spend at least an hour every month bagging litter in the garden, and taking the bags to the curb outside the entrance. If you see large amounts of garbage on the adjacent sidewalk, they must be collected and moved to the area directly outside of and to the right of our front gate.
5. Monitor Duties. You must commit to a single 4 hour block of time per month when you can host the garden during open hours. If open hours are completely unworkable with your schedule, than you and the site coordinator must find agreement on a monthly 4 hour block for you to do other community duties such as litter pick up or composting.

6. Forbidden Plants. Do not cultivate dangerous or illegal plants. ( i.e., tobacco, poison ivy, poison mushrooms, etc. ) 

7. Contact Information. The garden must have your address, telephone number and email address in order to facilitate communication. If your contact information changes, call or email the garden.* 
8. Orientation. It is required for gardeners to attend the spring orientation.


1.  Do Not Touch A Plot Without Expressed Permission of Its Supervisor. If you see a problem with somebody else’s maintenance, contact them or the Site Coordinator.  Do not make alterations to any of the common areas without the clearly expressed permission of the Site Coordinator.

2. A Non-threatening Environment. Anyone who makes a threat against another person’s physical well-being can be banned from the garden, as per our bylaws.

3. Respect Supplies and Equipment. Do not remove supplies or plantings from the garden, unless they are yours. Tools must be returned to the storage area before you leave the garden.
4. Dogs must be leashed and curbed before entering.

5. No Smoking Is Permitted in the Garden. *

6. No Alcoholic Beverages May Be Consumed in the Garden Outside of a Legally Permitted Event. *

7. Children must be supervised by an adult. 

8. No Paid Advertising is permitted to be displayed in the garden.

9. No Gambling is permitted in the garden. *
10. Take any refuse with you when you leave.
11. When a gardener believes a rule has been violated and cannot amicably resolve the issue with another gardener, this should be brought to the Steering Committee’s attention. The Steering Committee will review the dispute and if warranted the garden will issue a warning to the gardener.  This warning will be made public to the entire membership of the garden.

The garden will attempt to resolve all disputes (including the use of a third-party mediator and additional meetings), but with the third warning the gardener will lose his or her plot and membership in Siempre Verde Community Garden permanently.

* An asterisk represents Rules of Green Thumb/NYC Department of Parks & Recreation.

Name(s): _______________________________________________________________
Address, Zip: ____________________________________________________________
Telephone Number: Days ___________________ Evenings ________________________
Preference: individual plot shared plot community plot general work
Check the appropriate items:
I am physically disabled.
I have gardened before at __________________ for ______________________________
(where) (how long) ___________________________________________________________
comments and special skills ____________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ________________________